Internal order of the ophtalmology office

Dear patients, we appreciate your trust and interest in the examination at our ophthalmology office. Utilizing modern diagnostical and treatment methods we will attempt to completely cure you or, if that is not possible, significantly mitigate your health problems. For that, however, your cooperation is necessary. Therefore, we would like to kindly ask you to adhere to the following rules and instructions.

1. What you need for the visit:

  • health insurance card
  • current prescribed dioptric eyeglasses
  • diabetic card (if you are a diabetic)
  • our order card
  • your phone number
  • list of used medication prescribed by a doctor
  • if you are a new patient, then also the results of your previous examinations at an eye doctor’s office – a copy of the documentation (dispensarized patients, such as those with glaucoma, cannot be accepted into permanent care without it) and your national ID card

Database update:

We also require all patients to report any changes in the personal details stated above. Report any changes of your health insurance company, phone number, address of permanent stay, newly diagnosed diseases and/or newly prescribed medication.

2. Ordering an examination

Our ophthalmology office applies a system of taking patient orders. By ordering, the patient reserves a suitable appointment date and time within the office working hours for the examination to take place. In the ordered examination time, the doctor will pay attention solely to the patient and will be properly prepared for the patient’s visit. Thanks to this system, the patient’s time which would else be spent waiting for the examination can be used more purposefully. The time period between the order and the actual examination is usually around 1 to 2 months for this office. We prefer phone orders (we accept orders in person only if it does not interfere with the proper operation of the ophthalmology office). We do not take orders via email.

We expect the patient to arrive for the ordered examination at the office in time without any delays. A patient that arrives late is running the risk of having to order a substitute examination date, as it may not be possible to treat the patient in a shortened time frame.

In the case of not being able to attend the ordered examination, the patient is required to notify the office as soon as possible, by minimum 24 hours before the examination. Our ordering system monitors the number of times a patient does not attend an examination without prior notification. For repeated unauthorized non-arrivals, a fine will be charged as compensation for the blocking of the office working hours.

3. Acute and urgent conditions

Our aim is to treat all patients that need our professional assistance. Patients with acute eye problems will be treated during our office working hours in between ordered patients according to the doctor’s judgement, the capacitive capabilities of the office and the urgency of the acute patient’s condition. Due to this possibility, a time shift in our patient order times may occur during the day. In the case that this happens, the core patients of the ophthalmology office are prioritized.

According the Czech law on health services no. 372/2011 §5 letter a), b) the urgency is differentiated into two types of care:

a) emergency care, whose aim is to prevent or limit the emergence of immediate conditions, which directly threaten the life or could lead to the death or the serious threat to health, or cause a sudden or intense pain or the sudden change in patient behavior, who threatens himself or his surroundings. These conditions include an eye accident, sudden loss of vision, sharp and sudden eye pain.

b) acute care, whose aim is to avert the serious worsening of the health condition or the decreasing of its risk so that the facts needed for the determination or change of the individual treatment are identified in time, or so that the patient does not reach the condition, where he is dangerous for himself and his surroundings. These conditions include eye inflammation, pain or the reddening of the eyes, acute uncomfortable sensations in the eyes or the quick worsening of eyesight.

According to the Czech law on health services no. 372/2011 §48 paragraph 3 the doctor cannot reject a patient only if the patient is in need of emergency care !!!

The last acute patient will be treated 30 minutes before the end of the office working hours at the latest.

4. Extract from the documentation

It is the right of the patient to require an extract of the documentation. The doctor is required to issue it. In the event of a change of eye doctor, the patient is required to provide it due to the assurance of care continuation. The deadline for the creation of the extract, which is determined by the Czech law on health services no. 372/2011 §66 paragraph 1 letter a) is 30 days from the reception of the patient’s (or other authorized person’s) request. In order to accelerate the process, this office prefers to issue copies of documentation on the day of request if the operation of the office allows it. Copy of documentation is a paid service as it is an administratively time-consuming activity. The fee imposition is determined by the Czech law on health services no. 372/2011 §66 paragraph 3 letter a), which authorizes the provider to demand an adequate fee for this service.

5. Cover

In the period of the doctor’s absence (e.g. due to a vacation or doctor’s sickness) a cover examination for acute and indispensable cases is always arranged in a different ophthalmology office. In the event of a cover, which is arranged and reported to health insurance companies according to the law, the patient is required to respect this fact and allow for himself to be treated in the office, where the cover is arranged (in the working hours of the given office), if his health condition allows it. The rule of arranged covers is applied also vice versa. The office is not required to treat acute patients from other offices, which do not have the cover arranged with it (does not apply to emergency care).

6. Examination of foreigners

Patients who do not speak and understand Czech or English, are required to attend with an interpreter, according to law. Except for patients in need of emergency care, patients who fail to do so cannot be treated.

7. Price list

According to law on health services, the patient is required to pay for all provided health services that are not paid for or partly funded by the public health insurance. The list of these services can be found in the waiting room or in the office itself. These services can be paid for only in cash, it is not possible to pay by credit/debit card.

8. Restrictions

Before entering the office, the patient is required to turn off his mobile phone.

The visits of adult patients accompanied by their little children is highly discouraged due to the presence of expensive diagnostical machines in the office, long examination times, the necessary composure and concentration of both the doctor and the patient and the already very arduous operation of the ophthalmology office. If possible, parents should avoid bringing in small children with them to their own examination.

If you are suffering from an infectious disease in the period of your examination, we appeal on your thoughtfulness and the ordering of a different examination date.

Ladies should not wear any eye make-up for the examination.

9. Information on health condition

The patient has the right to truthful and understandable information on his health condition. All of your questions regarding your health condition will be answered either by the nurse or the doctor. The patient also has the option to surrender his right to information on his health condition and may either choose a different person, to whom it will be reported or voice a ban on the reporting of that information to all other persons.

10. Final statutes

The patient has the duty to behave respectably and thoughtfully to both the office staff and other patients. The patient cannot damage or pollute the premises of the health facility or damage the equipment beyond the scope of regular wear. The patient is also required to abide by the proposed individual treatment method, to truthfully inform the doctor on his present health condition, on the health services provided by other healthcare providers and on the use of medication.

The order of patients is determined by the doctor.

According to the Czech law on health services, the patients are required to comply to the internal order of the ophthalmology office. A patient’s severe violation of the internal order may be a reason for the denial of his care (rejection).


Internal order valid from 1.1.2020                                                                    MUDr. Jana Lukáčová, eye doctor